Having a job is both a responsibility and a privilege. If you receive W2 forms or any type of 1099 forms, you qualify for impactful tax deductions and tax credits. Don't miss out. And avoid huge penalties.
Being your own boss has its advantages and disadvantages. Same with selling your product online. We are experts in the subject of taxes for your income situation.
LLC and Corporation tax laws are nothing to take lightly. If you don't know, don't guess. We take care of business for business clients and stay up to date on new business tax laws that affect you.
You earned your government benefits. And you deserve to keep what is yours. Overpaying or underpaying taxes is unfair on both sides. We help benefit recipients with their taxes every year.
Owing the IRS is a stressful burden. Getting letters in the mail from the IRS are not fun. Melbourne Tax has you covered with tax experts ready to handle your situation.